Krystal International Vacation Club Cancun knows that Mexico is known everywhere throughout the world for spectacular scenic highlights, excessively long stretches of beautiful shorelines and snow-topped mountains. But it is also known for its rich historical culture and the archaeological landmarks of the Aztecs and Maya. These principal royal residences found in Mexico draw in tourists from all over the world.

Mexico is an excellent vacation destination because it incorporates so many varied activities and landscapes. Here you will find many archaeological sites, spectacular beach destinations, nature trails, thrilling adventures, and entertainment parks according to Krystal International Vacation Club Cancun. It is also the official home of Tequilla, Tacos, Carnitas, and Pazole, a traditional Mexican soup to name just a few of the trademark Mexican delicacies.

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Krystal International Vacation Club recommends visiting Chichen Itza

But even more special, the Mayan pyramids in Mexico are the natural landmarks of long ago. It has only been in the last few decades that discoveries have been made to prove that there are many more Mayan ruins in Mexico than previously thought. Unfortunately, just several well-known locations are open to the public since the majority of the pyramids are either secured with thick tropical vegetation or covered under dirt so that at first look they take the shape of gentle green slopes.

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Tulum Ruins

The Pyramids of Teotihuacan are among the most significant excavated and visitable Mayan ruins. Two of the most noteworthy and best-saved pyramids were devoted to Mayan lords of the moon and the sun. The most famous pyramid on the planet, the pyramid of Cholula, is higher than that of Cheops, yet sorrily, the massive piece of it has fallen.

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Nearly seven centuries back, the Aztec Indians came up with The Mexico City. Legend has it that the divine beings directed the Aztecs to manufacture the capital there. The town is the veritable outdoors exhibition hall; there are more than 1,400 chronicled archaeological site relics and landmarks. According to Krystal International Vacation Club Cancun, the most notable and unexplainable saved Aztec building is Templo Mayor. This archaeological zone with stone establishments of old structures of the Aztecs, overwhelmed by the Catholic house of prayer and various current loft structures.

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Chichen Itza Ruins

Cancun is the mainstream of fascination. Scores of tourists come from different parts of the world to visit this the Yucatan Peninsula for both its beauty and for some of the best-preserved ruins of the Mayan culture. Cancun is a system of shorelines, resorts, and stops, extending for 140 km along the bank of the Caribbean Sea to the town of Tulum. Not a long way from Cancun, there is a decent choice of archaeological destinations and nature saves, including the spotless white shorelines.

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Tulum Ruins

Tulum is rich in beautiful and extensive sandy beaches. Tulum is home to the ruins of El Castillo, evidence of the existence of an ancient Mayan port town in Tulum. The ruins in Tulum are stunning because they are situated directly on the coastline with a white sandy beach directly below.

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Chichen Itza Ruins

Coba is a vast ruined city of the ancient Maya civilization. This unique town is situated in the robust state of Quintana Roo, which is approximately 100 km east of the archaeological site of Chichen Itza and is about two and half hours from the city of Cancun. Krystal International Vacation Club Cancun reveals that Coba was the home of nearly 50,000 people at the climax of its civilization. The majority of this population embraced agriculture as their chief economic activity; this is evident as they had claimed above 80 kmĀ² as built-up area.

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Chichen Itza ruins

Chichen Itza is another outstanding example of the Mayan culture in Mexico. This property is owned by the Mexican federal government and work on excavating more of the site continues daily. In the 800 and 900 AD years, Chichen Itza was known for being one of the most populated urban centers of the Mayans and a regional capital. There are four underground rivers that surround the site making it a perfect location for a large settlement. Krystal International Vacation Club Cancun recommends that when you visit any of these incredible sites in Mexico, it is often worth having a private guide to explain all the intricacies of both the location and the Mayan culture as a whole.

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